5 Tips For Creating Viral Snapchat Ads

#1. Can Your Video Capture The Attention Of A Gold Fish?

First 2 seconds = life or death

Snapchat users (mostly Gen Z) have uber-short attention spans.

If you don't have a jaw-dropping hook that immediately grabs their attention. Your creative is dead.

So, what can you do to catch the goldfish attention span?

Here are some ideas:
  • Find those "cool moments" from your UGC content
  • Start with a thought-provoking, controversial question (e.g. did you know that nuts are fruits?)
  • Start with surprising statistics (e.g. only 8% of people keep their new year resolutions)
  • Start with something that piques curiosity
  • Experiment with pattern-breaking techniques

#2. Long = Boring

Keep your creative between 5 and 10 seconds.

Your ad should be short, sweet, and straight to the point.

Unlike on other social media platforms, squeezing in all your features and benefits into one clip on Snapchat would hurt, not increase, your conversions.

Present only 1 unique selling point in 1 creative.

#3. There's Never Too Much Native

Native-looking testimonials, native-looking fonts, native-looking captions, native-looking GIFs, native-looking filters, native-looking special effects, etc.

The more native you can be, the better!

Make your ads look like it is directly made by someone from Snapchat/Instagram.

Or even better, directly film your ad from your phone and make your ad from your Snapchat/Instagram apps.

#4.Don't be shy with Swipe-ups

If you want people to swipe up, tell them!

And tell them with a bold & shiny swipe-up CTA in the end.

#5. Music Needs To Be Lit

60% of Snapchatters have sound on compared to only 10% of Facebook users.

So, if you are repurposing your Snapchat ad from other social media channels, please make sure that you optimize for sound on.
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